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BEAUTIFUL DREAMER: THE SONGS OF STEPHEN FOSTER (Emergent)Foster presaged rock and roll--\"Oh! Susanna\" was his \"LouieLouie\"--but rock and roll barely knows he existed. Except for JohnPrine drawling \"My Old Kentucky Home\" in gravelly tones no minstreltroupe would have stood for, the only fast one that does justice toFoster's uptempo mode is BR549's clog-stepped \"Don't Bet Money on theShanghai,\" about a Chinese fighting cock who decreased thesongwriter's whiskey intake. Oh well--no point lamenting the rhythmsections of Nashville roots fanciers, and anyway, like most poptunesmiths Foster was what the word says, a melody man first. As aresult, normally snoozeworthy schoolteachers like Judith Edelman, BethNielsen Chapman, and David Ball, who does his level best to help usforget that \"Old Folks at Home\" ever had anything to do with darkies,fit the bill on this worthy effort to reclaim the master for theAmerican vernacular. Inauthentically quaint here (a santour, atoumbak, and an armonica pop up, and once Foster's antiquity issignified by a now extinct guitar not yet invented when he was alive)and anachronistically subtle there (before the microphone, even parlorsingers pro-jec-ted), it nevertheless feels more or less the way onesuspects Foster must have. Special kudos to Henry Kaiser and MavisStaples for making their weirdness and grit blend rightin. A MINUS
TV ON THE RADIO: Desperate Youth, Blood Thirsty Babes (Touch and Go)Intelligent, honest, and original ought to be enough. But in factthere are acres, tons, and years of bad art that share these virtues,especially if \"original\" is interpreted generously, which it better bewith the world's hundredth or thousandth guitars-and-loopsoutfit. Really. Take-him-or-leave-him singer. No great shakesmelodically or rhythmically. Approximately as insightful in re theexigencies of male-and-female as 50 years of male chauvinists beforethem. Always humorless, sometimes sententious. All told, prettydull--unless you're so desperate that you'll sing hosanna for everypiece of intelligent-honest-original that comes down thecircuit. B
Using the GPA to issue a statement on his position, he made it clear that he wanted to continue with Cork and while that might be no longer an option, he would certainly play on with Na Piarsaigh. Commenting on his omission, he said that he \"must respect the manager's decision in this regard.\" It was a polite way of saying: \"he's made a massive cock-up.\"
I found written copies of the above highly intelligibleand vindictive proclamation, stuck up on everyblacksmith shop, doggery, and store door, in the FrogMountain Range. Its blood-thirsty spirit, its style, andabove all, its chirography, interested me to the extentof taking one down from a tree for preservation.
They lef him sittin ontu a split-bottom cheer, plumasleep all over, even tu his ole hat. I tuck about thutyfoot ove clothes line, an' tied him tu the cheer by hisneck, body, an' arms, levin his laigs loose. He lookedsorter like the Lion in the spellin-book, when the ratwer a-cuttin a fish net off ove him. That wern't askeer'd rat, wer he I hed him safe now tu practize on,an' I sot in tu duin hit, sorter this way: I painted hisface the curler ove a nigger coal-burner, scept a whitering roun his eyes; an' frum the corners ove his mouf,sorter downards, slouch-wise, I lef a white strip. Hitmade his motif look sorter like ontu a boss track an'ni ontu es big. He wer a fine picter tu study, ef yourmind wer fond ove skeery things. He look't savidgees a sot steel trap, baited wif asnick, an wer jis' fit furtresun, straterjim, an' tu spile things. Tu this day,when I dreams ove the devil, dad, Passun Bullin, an'uther orful oppressive things, that infunel boy, es helook't that nite, am durnd intermitly mix't wif the holeove em. I speck he's dead is the reason ove hit.
I now thot hit ni ontu the proper time tu tetch thecrackers, so es tu hev everything bar hits shar in thekontemplated cummin waknin. An' I did hit. Thefust handful ur so gwine off help'd, wif the industry ovethat energetic ole rat, the sarchin ove the red pepper, an'the permiskus scratchin roun ove the bugs, tu begin tuwake him sorter gradully, a littil faster nor light breadrises, an' a littil slower then a yeathquake wakes-weazels.A few hundred more gwine off, still hevin therat, pepper, an' insex tu back em, got him wide enufawake tu bleve that he wer threatened wif sum orfulpussonal calamerty, what wanted pow'ful quick workon his part tu dodge. He wer awake now all overeven to his durnd ole hat, an' he show'd hit in es menyways es a cat dus, lock'd up in a empty room wif astrange an' interprisin big dorg.
That ar Yankee pedlar hes my piusest prayer, an' Ijis wish I hed a kaig ove the truck intu his cussedpaunch, wif a slow match cumin out at his mouf,an' I hed a chunk ove fire. The feller what foun amossel ove 'im big enuf tu feed a cockroach, orter beturn'd loose tu pastur amung seventy-five purty wimen,an' foun in whisky fur life, becase ove his good eyes inhuntin los' things. George, a Yankee pedlar's soulwud hev more room in a turnip-seed tu fly roun in.than a leather-wing bat hes in a meetin-hous; that'sjis'so.
Ole Sock an' his rider cum in site a-tarin, an' theysmelt each uther. Both wer dead game an' mad, so abig fite wer morrily durn'd certin. Es soon es oldBurns seed tuther bull, he onderstood adzackly whatwer a-cumin, an' when; so he leaned hissef back ontuthe rope pow'ful, till he pull'd the stirrup loops tightontu his feet, an' hauled ole Sock's nose an' lip 'wayup atween his eyes by the ring, sorter like bustina rawhide outen a rat wif a ho'n hook. His face look'dlike hit wer skin'd, ur a dead beef's head on a livebull's body. He wer the wust lookin cow brute, in theface, yu ever seed, an' hit made his bellerin soun likehe hed the rattils. But in spite ove all this, he steamedstrait ahead fur the inemy. He didn't keer a durn furanything, since his intercourse wif the bees, an' hismystification in the baskit. 59ce067264